Tag Archives: Several Short Sentences About Writing

Several Short Sentences About Writing by Verlyn Klinkenborg

Several short sentences about writing book cover


Reading gives a place to goReading the same book as another person








One of the members of my writing class told be about Verlyn Klinkenborg’s book, Several Short Sentences About Writing. I picked it up and randomly chose a page. Klinkenborg talks about “flow” on page 67.

“Your job as a writer is making sentences.

Your other jobs include fixing sentences, killing sentences,

and arranging sentences.

If this is the case–making, fixing, killing, arranging–

how can your writing possibly flow?

It can’t.


Flow is something the reader experiences, not the



A writer may write painstakingly.

Assembling the work slowly, like a mosaic,

Fitting and refitting sentences and paragraphs over the years.

And yet to the reader the writing may seem to flow.


The reader’s experience of your prose has nothing to

do with how hard or easy it was for you to make.

You’re not writing for a reader in the mirror whose

psychological state reflects your own.

You have only your own working world to consider.

The reader reads in another world entirely.”


Reading in a tree


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