Tag Archives: thirty-day writing challenge

Course and Book Need Title

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One of my projects  for D’vorah Lansky’s thirty-day course creation challenge, is to write a simple fiction writing book for beginners that would serve as a manual for the course or a stand alone reference book.  Today’s assignment is to title it. In my experience, it takes time to get a title right.  I’m brainstorming, knowing it will change many times before publication.

Lansky advises us to choose a title “that is clear and talks about the benefits to the participant.”

Here are some ideas for my writing course:

Learn to Create and Publish Fiction

How to Write Fiction

Creative Writing For Beginners


Any suggestions for my temporary titles or ideas for others?

D'vorah Lansky head shot

D’vorah Lansky



If you want to learn more about D’vorah Lansky’s programs,

click here



Filed under Creative writing books